Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Heart MY pride-Episode 1

This episode cost me my honest heart felt opinion and I apologies that it's getting 2 u this late (the series had 2 follow time).

So here is episode 1 from the series My Heart MY pride.


Hey sis,
I can tell that it didn't start with him cheating on u; neither did it start with him beating u up or not giving u all the attention u needed.

You had a strong notion that it was love - truthfully it was love built for a certain feeling.

Yes I know that feeling; I have being there... the yearning to be loved to be treated right...

We always want that special someone who is gonna look into our face even when we tell a boring story and still say "u re damn funny babe"; that someone who's gonna trust us even though we know we lied...
The feeling that makes someone loves us die-hard despite our imperfections; the "knowing" that there is someone who would give up all for us...

I know u want all of this, my sister, but it's not worth the struggle if he is gonna start well and end up with his fist on your face or another lady's panties in his wardrobe.

It's okay to want more, to wanna be loved; but its not okay to have to drop your standards low, to lose your self-worth, your respect, to lose your beauty to scars,to lose your confidence , and lose all that makes you who you are to a Man in the name of love, when he is meant to improve you.

My sister, my love, all I'm saying is: you don't take just anybody because you need to feel loved. You don't deserve less than what God has for you...all for that feeling that you don't even trust.
You deserve more sis and you need to know this: YOU ARE A PEARL, the best investment a man can have. Don't give yourself up for a cheap price.

Your Lovely Sister

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